This website explores the work of Nigel Brookes - software, images, history, and science.
Gr. protos, first.
"This is how it should be done: Lodge yourself on a stratum, experiment with the opportunities it offers, find an advantageous place on it, find potential movements of deterritorialisation, possible lines of flight, experience them, produce flow conjunctions here and there, try out continuums of intensities segment by segment, have a small plot of land at all times."
Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus.
Other sites Nigel is involved with include:
Nigel's back catalogue of photos, photomosaics, and overlays can all now be found on Flickr - slidehows are embedded here.
From Green Bay to Gondwanaland 
Starting life as an essay (PDF) written for the J. T. Diamond essay competition in 2005, this project has ballooned here to multimedia proportions.
From scraps of information scattered on the internet and throughout many libraries, together with explorations of the neighbourhood, I have constructed a detailed portrait of my backyard in Auckland's Waitakere City, that stretches backwards through European settlement, pre-European Maori history, to ancient times before human colonisation, and ultimately to the land's origins on the coast of Gondwanaland 250 million years ago.
With 65% more text than my original essay, the site is illustrated with a rich collection of historical and contemporary images, including panoramas and maps. It is fully cross-referenced with my many sources, complete with web links where available. You can also download treasures such as historic pictures and stories, and even go on a virtual tour of the ancient Te Whau portage with the help of Google Earth!
Probe is multimedia software art that explores the edge where technology feeds back on biology.
- Download for Macintosh OS X You can download a Macintosh OS X version of Probe for free here.
- Download for Windows You can download a Windows version of Probe for free here.